Welcome to the enchanting world of Hogwarts Science Camp, where the realms of magic and science intertwine in an exhilarating adventure designed for young wizards and witches who are eager to explore the mysteries of potion-making! Immerse yourself in a curriculum that combines the ancient art of alchemy with cutting-edge scientific principles, fostering a passion for discovery and experimentation. From revitalizing elixirs to bubbling brews, campers will use everyday ingredients and natural substances to create their own potions, all while engaging in hands-on scientific experiments that demonstrate the fundamental principles of reaction, measurement, and transformation.

For kids ages 6 to 13. Campers will be grouped by age/skill level.

Browse current available after school programs/camps and register online. Don’t see one you’d like? Contact us to set up a program for your child’s school or private event.

Register For a Program

Want to bring STEAM curriculum to your school? Contact us to set up after school activities, day camps, or assemblies for your school or community center.

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